
European Volunteering
Equação has been trying to encourage the volunteering spirit thanks its work as organization that coordinates, sends and receives volunteers through European Voluntary Service (EVS) and currently, European Union’s European Solidarity Corps (ESC), having already delivered an enriching and unique experience to many young people from several countries from Europe and the rest of the world.
If you are between 18 and 30 years old you can also make a difference and leave your impact on one of the several European organizations that are looking for volunteers who are willing to help, discovering a new reality and sharing knowledge and experiences!
Local Volunteering
In the entire world the Fair Trade movement involves thousands of volunteers and activists motivated by the change that this movement proposes. They guarantee a good part of the visibility of this movement being responsible for the increase in the promotion and campaign actions and the sale of Fair Trade products. We can say that the Fair Trade’s resistance and strength comes from its volunteers.
European Solidarity Corps
Natural: Sustainable Challenge

Name and Reference: Natural – Sustainable Challenge (2020-1-PT02-ESC11-006544)
Year: 2020
Project Type: European Solidarity Corps
Topic(s): Environment and climate actions, Health and Well-being, Human Rights
Participants: 10
Partners: Cantieri Giovani (Italy), You in Europe (Greece), Latvijas Mazpulki (Latvia), Falcogroup (Russia), Pi Youth Association (Turkey)
Make Children Smile

Name and Reference: Make Children Smile (2019-1-PL01-ESC11-062695)
Year: 2019
Project Type: European Solidarity Corps
Topic(s): Health and Well-Being, Human Rights, Environment, Social Assistance
Participants: 8
Partners: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego (Poland), Social Youth Development K.A.N.E. (Greece)
Break Barriers - Expand Wings

Name and Reference: Break Barriers – Expand Wings (2020-1-PT02-ESC11-006544)
Year: 2020
Project Type: European Solidarity Corps
Topic(s): Inclusion, Community development, Citizenship and participation in a democratic life
Participants: 2
Partners: FRSP
Natural: Fair and Local volunteering

Name and Reference: Natural – Fair and Local volunteering (2019-1-PT02-ESC11-005751)
Year: 2019
Project Type: European Solidarity Corps
Topic(s): Environment and climate actions, Health and Well-being, Human Rights
Participants: 10
Partners: You in Europe (Greece), La Hoya (Spain), Cantieri Giovani (Italy), Szatyor (Hungary), Kuro (Czech Republic)
Changing trade, changing life

Name and Reference: “Changing trade, changing life” (2017-3-PT02-KA105-004590)
Year: 2017
Topic(s): The EVS project “CHANGING TRADE, CHANGING LIFE” was a Learning Mobility activity for a group of individuals (EVS) that involved 5 volunteers from Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Romania and Hungary during 1 year (May 2018 – May 2019). The main themes were International cooperation and relations (mainly promoting Fair Trade), Youth (Participation and mobility, Youth Work) and Environment and climate change (organic farming, local products, sustainable tourism). The Activity took place in Amarante.
Goal(s): The main objectives were to 1) Raise awareness about Fair Trade principles and values (volunteering, solidarity, respect for diversity); 2) Support the campaign “Amarante sustentável” that stands for the promotion and consumption of local, organic and fair products; 3) Support Equação, Crl’s local members (AMC, Reviravolta and Cor de Tangerina); 4) Support project about sustainable tourism in the river Ôlo valley (mainly by implementing environmental awareness actions); 5) Raise the spirit of cooperation among youngsters and between them and the community, fostering the values of solidarity and mutual understanding between people from different cultures.
Participants: 5
Partners: Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Romania and Hungary

Equação, Crl has been organizing, since 2009, European projects financed by the Erasmus+ Program to promote Fair Trade, support its activities and work on specific topics related to sustainability. These are projects within the scope of the European Voluntary Service and, also, individual mobility of young people (youth exchanges) and workers in the field of youth (training courses).
Mountains: what’s behind our fears

Name and Reference: “Mountains: what’s behind our fears” (2017-1-PT02-KA105-003994)
Year: 2017
Topic(s): The Youth Exchange “MOUNTAINS: what’s behind our fears” promoted integration of refugees, development cooperation and healthy lifestyles among youngsters and local community. Through outdoor/nature activities and forum theater, the participants raised awareness about these topics and were involved in several performances all over the region, also using ICT technologies as a tool. The project took place in Amarante (Portugal) during 9 days (21st till 29th June 2017).
Goal(s): The main objectives were to 1) Raise awareness about refugee and migrant’s issues; 2) Promote integration of refugees in small/medium scale cities involving local communities; 3) Promote forum theater as a tool to develop social conscience and teach youngsters on how to change their world; 4) Raise the spirit of cooperation among youngsters and between them and the community, fostering the values of solidarity and mutual understanding between people from different cultures, especially those under refugee and migrant’s statute.
Participants: 30 participants (24 youngsters and 6 leaders)
Partners: This project was developed by 6 EU countries – Portugal, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Greece and United Kingdom
Projects on going

The GLOKERS Project: Glocal Shakers for youth-led environmental activism! It is a Strategic Partnership, funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Program (2023-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000152609). This 24-month project is led by PFTA – Polish Fair Trade Association (Poland) and involves partners from Italy, Spain and Portugal (Equação, Cooperativa de Comércio Justo, Crl). The main objective is to raise awareness among young Europeans of a more glocal and inclusive approach to sustainable consumption and production to combat climate change, combining Fair Trade and campaigns on green legislation.
The GREENLINES Project: Guidelines for sustainable project management! It is a small-scale strategic partnership funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme (2023-1-AT01-KA210-YOU-000160755). This 14-month project is led by the AACR – Austrian Association for Cultural Relations (Austria) and involves partners from Hungary, Italy and Portugal (Aventura Marão Clube). The main aim is to increase the overall sustainability of projects carried out by organisations active in the youth sector. To this end, a guide will be produced to help organisations reduce their ecological footprint during the implementation of their projects.

Internacional Workcamps

Equação organizes, since 2009, International Workcamps to promote Fair Trade and to support local biological producers. These workcamps are funded by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ) with the help of several local partners: CMA, UFA, Cercimarante, AMC, Mikachu, Lda, Floresta Viva, Fernando Paiva, and others.
CTI 2020

Name and Reference: Another World is possible (PT-PO-11-20)
Year: 2020
Project Type: Internacional Workcamps
Topic(s): Environment, Organic Farming, Fair Trade
Participants: 20
Partners: CMA, UFA, Cercimarante, Fernando Paiva, Mikachu, Dilani, Floresta Viva, AMC
CTI 2019

Name and Reference: Another World is possible (PT-PO-02-19)
Year: 2019
Project Type: Internacional Workcamps
Topic(s): Environment, Organic Farming, Fair Trade
Participants: 20
Partners: CMA, UFA, Cercimarante, Fernando Paiva, Mikachu, Dilani, Floresta Viva, AMC

Amarante Sustentável
Amarante sustentável is a campaign created to promote good practices concerning the consumption of local products, supporting biological producers and to stand up for Fair Trade’s principles. It intends to raise the citizens’ awareness about the positive impact that the local, bio and fair products can have in your lives, creating a virtuous chain that empowers the community, supports the local economy and is environmentally friendly. All of this keeping in consideration ethical values and made with dignity.
Step #1
To discuss and approve a public proposal to support the bio, fair and local principles.
Step #2
To introduce to public purchase of bio, fair and local products.
Step #3
To guarantee that market and catering use or sell bio, fair and local products.
Step #4
To achieve the educational community, the civil society and the companies’ commitment.
Step #5
To organize awareness actions for a sustainable and responsible consumption.
Step #6
To create a local action group to support the “Fair Trade Town” campaign.

Fight against climate changes
Due to current climate conditions, in August 2018, a global movement called “Fridays for Future” was created with the objective of challenging the lack of actions against the climate crisis. Since March 2020, we also joined that movement in order to raise the awareness of Amarante’s community about this problem.
Step #1
Creation of an Instagram account to raise the population’s awareness.
Step #2
Participation on the global climate strike on March 13.
Step #3
Sharing facts relevant to the current climate issues.