Equação, Cooperativa de Comércio Justo, Crl
A services cooperative funded in 2006 by various base non-profit organizations, with the social goal of promote and spread Fair Trade, by selling products, doing sensibilization campaigns and actions and developing national and international educative projects.

Equação strongly invests in the development of national and international learning projects for the development, along with partners who identify themselves with our values and practices.
Principles and Background
Equação, Cooperativa de Comércio Justo, Crl distributes in Portugal Fairtrade products (mainly food) from importing partners (mostly from Cooperativa Ideas de España).
In addition to direct sales and the participation in fairs and events, Equação also resells to other customers:
– Other Fair Trade organizations;
– Non-profit organizations;
– Private customers, such as organic stores, restaurants, etc.).
The slogan “Trade not Aid” that the poorest countries launched in the 1960s remains, unfortunately, current.
Fair price
Paying the producer a fair price (prioritizing people over profit).
Comercial relationships
Long-term commercial relationships.
Financing and Support
Pre-financing and skill development/support for producers.
Environmental sustainability.
Our producers
Get to know all of our incredible producers who are part of a Fair Trade.

Fight against climate changes
Due to current climate conditions, in August 2018, a global movement called “Fridays for Future” was created with the objective of challenging the lack of actions against the climate crisis. Since March 2020, we also joined that movement in order to raise the awareness of Amarante’s community about this problem.
Amarante Sustentável
Amarante sustentável is a campaign created to promote good practices concerning the consumption of local products, supporting biological producers and to stand up for Fair Trade’s principles. It intends to raise the citizens’ awareness about the positive impact that the local, bio and fair products can have in your lives, creating a virtuous chain that empowers the community, supports the local economy and is environmentally friendly. All of this keeping in consideration ethical values and made with dignity.